How to define the coworking pricing model

Coworking is a hospitality business; meaning it offers services to a community in order to provide the best working experience and the proper working environment to ensure the success of community members’ projects and businesses. Coworking sells memberships and other complementary office services, which may or may not be included in the membership plan. These […]

Recruiting The Best Coworking Team

CREC team

Your team is everything Your team is everything: your community’s heart and the coworking business’s engine. Coworking is a young industry; consequently, there aren’t a lot of coworking professionals with experience in the labor market compared to other industries. In any case, if you have good knowledge of the needs of your business, we can […]

Dos and donts on marketing and communication for coworking spaces

Marketing and Communication are of high importance to reach out your potential coworking community and partners, as well as to launch and strengthen your company branding. Today we suggest you some dos and donts that will help you to avoid some common mistakes as well as to improve your Marketing and Communication plan, particularly if […]