A couple of years ago, I was designing a logo in front of my client and mesmerized by the change of colours and shapes, he told me “It’s art.” And then I realized that I was doing it all wrong. Design is not art. “Art is only intended to provoke thoughts and emotions while design […]
Category: Coworking Operations
Coworking Customer Journey to get and retain clients
What is the Coworking Customer Journey? Last November at Coworking Europe Conference, together with my colleague and consultant Alexandra Ramió, we gave a talk about the Coworking Customer Journey; a handy marketing tool to design the user experience and the entire journey the member take in coworking spaces since he or she is interested in […]
How to create a Social Media plan for your Coworking
Steps to create a social media strategy and make it profitable In recent years, Coworking’s rising phenomenon has been accompanied by increasing attention to these collaborative workspaces’ online and social media positioning. “If you build it, they will come” does not apply to your coworking space, in your website, or other promotion platforms for flexible […]